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Do what?


This morning during my meditation, as I always do, I asked for direction for the day.

I heard, "Rest."

Immediately I questioned why.

You see, Thursday is my busiest day of the week.. and just days before Christmas.. I don't have time to rest.

As I thought about this and wondered why - I stopped.

There's a reason I can't see, yet I will trust.

Sure, the schedule is busy, yet none of it is detrimental to my health, life, business, or family.

Rest may be the small change that makes ALL the difference.

Friends, I'm telling you this for two reasons...

- When we feel guided to do something, anything, it may not make sense, yet trust that there's a reason we have yet to understand. We will be shown what that reason is in time, but for that moment... trust.

- Listen. It's easy to get wrapped up in all of the hustle & bustle of life, family, work, etc. When you're being called or pulled to do something different, do it. Listen to the cues of your soul, the echoes of your body.

Maybe, just maybe, something as simple as rest is enough to invigorate your soul in a direction of greater purpose & motivation.

Maybe, just maybe, it's the pull to clear your mind of what's hurting you, consuming your thoughts, and occupying healthy space with unhealthy patterns.


The key is to pay attention.

Follow your soul.

Your internal compass is a gateway of prime opulence that knows where, when, and how to bring you to new heights - even when we can't imagine it for ourselves.


If you're like me, growth can sometimes feel magnificent in the moment, but if we don't give our bodies a chance to integrate & "catch up" with the emotional & energetic upgrades, we tend to burn out. We feel exhausted, mentally & physically.

So, listen and take the time you need to activate and feel the goodness of what's happening in and around you.


Have a beautiful day, friends.

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