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Beauty in Darkness

People talk about death with sadness and grief. While these things are natural, what most neglect to see is the beauty living inside the moments.

Our darkest days are filled with lessons, moments of contentment and breath that allows us to relive days gone. In the passing of loved ones we wonder what could've been different, or even, how.

For years I was fascinated with the darkness beyond life as we know it. I longed to know what lived beyond the eyes of now. What was it that brought wonder to the darkest days and peace to the moments passed. I wanted to know what lingered beyond our realm.. a knowledge that I was convinced was beyond my wildest dreams.

I spent years lingering in the shadows of what I felt and what was conventional knowledge. Years knowing there was a connection that I couldn't explain, yet yielded so much passion.

It's not the darkness that we fear, but the unknown. That is true of many aspects of life, yes? We fear not knowing who we are, how we will become, and so on. There are elements of ourselves that we leave in the shadows because we aren't certain what's perceived as taboo; There is judgement and unkindness lurking around every corner.

Yet in the shadows we find answers; we find strength; we find love.

What we miss is the goodness that is taught in the parts we can't see. We miss the mystery of what was that allows us to shape our present moments into what they are. We can learn from them or hide from them.

Years ago, I began to see loved ones who had passed. Although fear ran through my veins, i knew this was meant to be - even if it wasn't understood at first. I knew there was more to know of myself than I had allowed before.

There is a peace knowing that those who have passed on send loving messages and guidance in ways most of us don't realize. What I've come to know is that without my spiritual gift, there wouldn't be closure for so many longing to hear, feel and know that those they love are still here, still loving them and still helping them find their way.

There is no fear in darkness, just understanding.

Longing to be understood and heard, the darkest days lead us to our deepest understanding.

Being a spiritual medium has taught me patience, love, understanding and to stop hiding for the sake of my own insecurities. These gifts have presented themselves to be shared with the world - to help shape the way the other side is perceived. To let you know that those you miss are still with you - and that you are not alone.

They love you, they hear you, they know you miss them.

what they want you to know is this..

"there is no darkness here. There is no reason to fear where i am. i am with you always, listening when you call my name and sending you messages through what you know of me. Always with you and always loving you."


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